Sunday, September 18, 2016

Politics and the English Language

I think Donald Trump Delivers Immigration Reform Plan Speech In Phoenix, Arizona August 31st 2016 is an example of Orwell's politics and the english language. 

In the speech, Trump said:" The truth is, our immigration system is worse than anybody ever realized. But the facts aren't known because the media won't report on them, the politicians won't talk about them, and the special interests spend a lot of money trying to cover them up. Because they are making an absolute fortune." I think it is vague. He didn't say what the facts that politician and special interests tried to cover is. It likes what Orwell said," This mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence is the most marked characteristic of modern English prose, and especially of any kind of political writing." The vagueness of immigration situation in the speech make people lose faith in the government in order to improve their approval rate.

The second example, when Trump talked about how to prevent the illegal immigration, he said:" We will build a wall along the Southern Border. And Mexico will pay for the wall. 100% They don't it yet, but they are going to pay for it." I think the wall is impossible to block the illegal immigration. Trump also said China has a wall and they can block the illegal immigration. The Great Wall was built almost two thousands years ago. With the development of technology, the wall is impossible to block the illegal immigration. It likes what Orwell said," he is almost indifferent as to whether his words mean anything or not." This is an unrealistic idea.

The third example, Trump talked about how to stop people come in from Syria, he said:" For the price of resetting 1 refugee in the United States,12 could be resettled in a safe zone in their home region, which I agree with 100%. We have to build the safe zones and we will get them from the goal six. We will supervise it and we will build safe zones which is something that I think all of us want to see." He didn't say how  can we get the money from the goal six.   He just told us a ideal future. It maybe can't be realized. It likes what Orwell said," Political language - and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Anarchists to Conservatives - is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." I think the part of speech is unreliable and vague. 


  1. During the speech, Trump said the immigration system is bad that no one has ever realized. The facts are not known by the public as the media doesn't report them and the politicians never tell the truth. But how did he know the immigration is bad, there is never a perfect system, indeed, but that doesn't mean the immigration system is bad in the United States. As well know, the immigration system is one of the strictest immigration system in the world. Since no one knows that, how does he know. In addtion , he didn't point out the weakness and proposal to fix this. He is a businessman, not a politician in his career. No one knows what he is going to do after he elects. The purpose of the speech is to make the public feel that the government is irresponsible and lack of efficiency.
    He said he would build a wall which Mexico will pay for it. How could that be possible? There is no way Mexico will pay for a " wall" which could worse off their benefits. On the other hand, the "wall" itself if not built by Mexico, then the U.S. will pay the wall, the federal government needs to pay for the wall, the revenue of the federal government comes from the tax payers in the countries. The United States citizens will never agree with this. Even though the wall is built, how does this physical object--the "giant wall" will block the immigrants? They could easily buy a bus ticket, plane ticket to the U.S.. The wall is useless.
    What he said and what he claimed that he will do, is rather than a fantasy in his head. He lied about what had and his net worth, no one knows what he could lie more about everything else.

  2. I agree with your arguments about Trump's Immigration Reform Plan Speech in Phoenix. Trump is a business man who usually doesn't use political jargon. And as a famous public figure who were once involved in entertainment industry a lot, he knows very well about how to attract people's attention and create an extraordinary amount of buzz. Therefore, many ideas in his speech are no more than just some tricks used to make himself sounds special and determined and try to let people believe that they will see a brand-new America under his leadership. Naturally, many policies or suggestions offered by Trump are hard or even impossible to be implemented. He did use a lot of big and vague words to describe his political views in order to escape from responsibilities. Moreover, he only mentioned what to do but nothing about how and when. Compared with the discussion in Orwell's Politics and the English language, this speech given by Trump is a very good contemporary example to justify Orwell's opinions.
