Sunday, September 18, 2016

National Anthem Protest

Orwell’s ideas about political speech can be taking many different ways as can all literature depending on one’s background and previous experiences throughout their lives.  I think he has some good points in that ones language is very important so that they can make there point as clear or as vague as needed to manipulate one into seeing it there way. His quote about political parties making lies sound truthful and murder respectable is spot on to all forms of communication. Everything from ones chose of words to there body language is an effort to get others to try and see their point of view. If ones actions need to be clarified and explain to make there meaning understood should have people questioning why is this the stage one chooses to push their own agenda onto others.
The person I am referring to is Colin Kaepernick choosing to not stand for the National Anthem, showing complete disrespect to the United States of America and those that risk there lives to allow everyone else to have there freedoms. He had to specify that this was a protest for Black Lives Matter and to bring more attention racial injustice in the country. I would argue that the two are very unrelated and that there are better platforms to push this agenda onto others. One could even go as far as thinking that the group black lives matter is against supporting American troops and veterans, which gives them a bad look. All by the actions of one individual that is trying to make something out of wind when it comes to the national anthem. There are many ways to see this action like the protesting way, a disrespectful way, making the Black Lives Matter group unpatriotic, or a distraction from the actual meaning of the national anthem.

I would say Orwell is pretty accurate in analyze of language and understanding to peoples points and views “to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable”. One needs to think about the delivery to clear up ones meaning to there audience and understanding. Using Orwell’s writing this specific incident shows that the rhetoric and intentions do not always come off clearly and this is a serious problem for all sorts of political agendas being expressed across the country.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that his attitude was not the best attitude for a form of protest. I think that in way it is worst by repeating his gesture. He got attention the first time, which he could have used to direct to Blacks Lives Mater in a better way. But by just repeating the attitude it just seems that he is the one that wants attention.
