Monday, November 21, 2016

We see a common thread throughout the text. I believe that it is best highlighted with a line from Borderlands “Culture is made by those in power- men. Males make the rules and laws; women transmit them”- Anzaldúa. The texts that we have looked at over the past few weeks seem to raise issue to the fact that the (white) male holds power over women. They  make the rules that women must follow. In a room of one's own Woolf is  really advocating for women’s rights and equality. Equal protections, equivalent education,  and a place to write. These were rights afforded to men in the day, but the same could not be said for women. Women were having to hide what they were doing, by writing in secret like the female character in the yellow wallpaper. She was having to hide her writing from her husband, for if she were caught he could conclude that she was to smart and seeked an education. The male thought of the time was that an educated women served little good around the house, they would no longer be able to focus on the daily house tasks.

These writings were in protest to the current or common thought that women were there to serve, and had no use forming opinions. These texts in fact show quite the opposite, women were seeking out education and self fulfillment. They were writing novels and short stories in spite of the men who wished they wouldn't. These women had a story to tell and in the process have inspired many, I’m sure, to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I think the passage that you mentioned from Borderlands about men making the rules and women transmitting them makes a very important point. The point being that women are not capable of making rules that society values. I think today it is more common for rules to be put in place that are seen as favorable towards women. This gives the illusion of giving women more freedom, when in reality it is only setting another guideline for to follow, albeit more favorable. Is this really giving women the same rights as men? I think that in order for women to have the same rights as men, it is important to make women key components in the decision making process by letting their voices be heard. I feel that this is the point that Gloria Anzaldua was trying to make and I feel that it directly relates to 'A Room of One's Own.'
